As a working individual, you might have many financial goals to tick off your list. You want to create wealth and secure your family's future while ensuring you have a regular flow of income when you retire.
This is where the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) comes into play. The Employees Provident Fund account offers a good interest rate at minimal risk. Along with this, it saves taxes as it comes under the EEE category (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt). It provides insurance and offers pensions. Thus, EPF is one of the best investment planning tools. Not sure how it works? Here's everything you need to know.
To check your EPF statement online, downloadit by following these steps-
Conducting an EPF account balance and statement check is quite convenient and hassle-free. This is also one of the advantages of investing in an EPF account. Here are the ways in which you can check your EPF balance statement -
The Employees' Provident Fund is an excellent investment option as it acts as a regular source of income after you retire. Along with financial security, it offers you a good interest rate, low risk, and tax exemption. Moreover, you can also conduct a regular EPF account balance and statement check online or have the EPF statement downloaded. This way, you can manage your funds better. Here are a few more ways to make the most out of your Employee's Provident Fund:
The Employee's Provident Fund is a powerful investment tool for retirement planning. Investing in an EPF account can ensure future financial security. Furthermore, it enables you to increase your wealth while generating inflation-beating returns. Thus, it is advisable to invest in an Employees Provident Fund account.
Want to save up for your retirement? Start investing in the National Pension Scheme through Tata Capital’s Moneyfy. Visit the website to know more and download the mobile app today!