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How To Get Consolidated Mutual Fund Statement

How To Get Consolidated Mutual Fund Statement

Mutual funds are one of the most popular investment avenues out there. And for good reasons. With the diversification it brings to your portfolio, it is one of the few investments that can withstand the volatility in the market. But the work doesn’t end there. One of the key ingredients of success in the mutual fund industry is keeping track of how your fund performs. And to make this information easily accessible, the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) made an amendment for investors to obtain the consolidated account statement (CAS). Like an account statement, a consolidated mutual fund statement keeps you informed about your fund’s performance. Read further to learn how you can obtain a consolidated MF statement.

What is a Consolidated Account Statement (CAS)?

As the name suggests, a Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) is a single financial statement that consists of all the mutual fund holdings of the investor across fund houses. This statement contains the details about your financial dealings and mutual funds across all portfolios over a period. For instance, a monthly CAS features portfolios that had financial transactions during the previous month.

A CAS gives you vital information regarding your funds like the Net Asset Value (NAV), market value and more. A mutual fund manager must send the CAS and notify the investor about their fund performance regularly. This helps the investor stay updated with the investment portfolio.

Importance of Consolidated MF Statement

A CAS simplifies the process of cutting down all subsidiaries and informs you about the company’s performance. Hence, you can understand the company’s financial condition, ethics, and standing to decide whether you want to invest in it or not. It also includes investor details, nominee registration and the contact details of the financial institution. Simply speaking, a CAS tells you the health of the company. While it doesn’t include any sensitive information like the PAN number or bank account details, it does make you privy to all relevant information that you need to make an informed decision.

Furthermore, since a consolidated statement consists of all the financial data in one place, it drastically reduces the paperwork you would need to manage otherwise. It can even help you calculate your tax liability as it provides you with a record of all your transactions.

In a nutshell, it is a valuable tool that keeps you informed about the companies and fund houses and keeps you in the loop with little effort.

How to get CAS online?

There are many online portals that can help you generate a consolidated mutual fund statement. These include CAMS, CDSL, NDSL, etc. For the purpose of explanation, let’s take CAMS. Now let’s find out how to generate a consolidated mutual fund statement online in just a few steps.

Step 1: First off, go to www.camsonline.com and click on the ‘Internet Services’ option from the menu bar.

Step 2: Now, select ‘Mailback Services’ from the menu on the left-hand side.

Step 3: Provide details like your email address and password and specify the statement time and time period for which you require the details. Finally, click on ‘submit’.

After completing this, you will receive the statement from CAMS on your registered email address within an hour. The statement will be in the form of a password-protected PDF and will be free of cost. Simply enter the password, and you will be able to access your consolidated MF statement.

What does a CAS show?

A CAS displays key information regarding an investor's different holdings. This includes:

  • Personal details, including the investor's name, address, and contact information. 
  • Investment details, like the current value of investments, number of units held, mutual funds schemes, and more. 
  • Transaction details, like SIP contributions, redemptions, and more. 
  • Bank details and tax information, including the bank name, PAN card number, and account number. 
  • The duration for which the statement was generated. 

Wrapping Up

A consolidated mutual fund statement is an excellent tool to evaluate the performance, track your redemptions and dividends on your mutual funds and more. It is a convenient way to move forward in your investment journey and fulfil your financial aspirations.
Another tool that helps you achieve this is Tata Moneyfy's Mutual Fund app. You can explore different funds and invest in the ones that fit your risk appetite and investment goals.  Furthermore, the App enables you to track your investments and have all the information that would be in a consolidated MF statement now only a click away. So, why wait? Download the Moneyfy app and let your investment journey take off!


What is the purpose of consolidated statements?

Consolidated Account Statements (CAS) are detailed reports summarising an investor's investments and transactions across various financial instruments. This helps to keep track of investments and make more informed financial decisions. 

What is the basis for consolidation in CAS?

The basis behind a CAS is to compile all of an investor’s holdings into one statement. This makes it easier to track and monitor different investments. CASs also allow investors to plan efficiently for taxes, expenses, and more. 

What is not eligible for CAS for the selected period?

If certain assets or investments have not been registered under the same PAN number or are under the purview of the NSDL or CSDL, they may not be eligible for CAS for the selected period.